Give Now
When you give to the Genesis Foundation, your support will help grow God’s Kingdom in Australia and beyond.
Thank you for your generous help to ensure more Christian organisations receive the financial support they need to impact our world for Christ.
If you wish to contribute financially, please fill out the Genesis Gift Form.

What happens to the donations I give?
The donations you give are invested while the projects are investigated. The Foundation is conservatively invested with a balance of defensive and growth investments. The distribution policy is on a needs basis and not restricted to the annual net earnings of the fund – in recent times, the distributions have exceeded the net income of the foundations.
Further information for donors
The Genesis Charitable Foundation tends to support youth and Christian media projects (which must be tax-deductible recipients) and the Genesis Life Foundation supports a wider range of projects (not necessarily tax deductible).
You may confirm our current tax deductibility by visiting the Australian Taxation Office website and looking under ABN lookup, advanced search and search for “Genesis Charitable Foundation Trust”.
Please note that gifts to the Genesis Charitable Foundation are tax deductible, while gifts to the Genesis Life Foundation are not tax deductible.
Make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE gift to Genesis Charitable Foundation
Gifts over $2 to Genesis Charitable Foundation are tax deductible.
Direct Deposit
Please electronically transfer your gift to:
Account Name: Genesis Charitable Foundation
BSB: 182 222 (Macquarie Bank) Account Number: 121 053 110
Ref: “Gift – [Your Name]
Cheque or Money Order
If you prefer to make your gift by cheque or
money order (payable to Genesis Charitable
Foundation), please ask for mail instructions by
email to
I would like to make a NON tax-deductible gift to Genesis Life Foundation
Direct Deposit
Please electronically transfer your gift to:
Account Name: Genesis Life Foundation
BSB: 182 222 Account Number: 121 053 128
Ref: “Gift – [Your Name]
Cheque or Money Order
If you prefer to make your gift by cheque or
money order (payable to Genesis Life
Foundation), please ask for mail instructions by
email to