Preliminary Enquiry Form

Your online Enquiry Form will be completed in one session. Please download the Preliminary Enquiry Planning Document so you can prepare your responses before completing the form below. Please check the Current Submission Dates here before completing this form (enquiries outside the submission dates will not be considered).


All fields are mandatory, please work within the maximum word count.

Preliminary Enquiry Form

1. About the Enquirer

Contact Person
Contact Person

2. About the proposed applicant

You must answer at least one question below “yes”; otherwise we cannot help you.
Does the potential grantee have a tax deductible (DGR Item 1) status?
Is the potential grantee a Tax Concessional Charity (TCC)?
0 of 100 max words

3. About the Request

0 of 100 max words
0 of 100 max words
(Please include numeric measurable targets. Detailed KPIs will be requested in the Grant Submission form)

Budget Income

Provide an overview of the project budget, including income sources and expenses and excluding the Genesis request over 3 years (a detailed budget will be required if successful for the Grant Submission stage).


Income Totals:

Budget Expenditure

Provide an overview of the project expenses (excluding the Genesis request) over 3 years. Please enter in your different expenses on separate lines. You can add multiple expense lines.


Expenditure Totals:


What amount are you requesting from Genesis for each project year?

4. Other